In reality, they are popular among celebrities like Mary Kate Olsen, Penelope Cruz, and Elizabeth Hurley, and are traditionally worn in the households of British Royalty.

and the response is a resounding YES! While most individuals choose diamonds, blue sapphires are very popular. "Do blue sapphires actually make good engagement rings?" you're undoubtedly wondering. It all boils down to personal preference how bright or dark you want your blue sapphire to be is entirely up to you. Sapphires occur in a wide range of colors, from faint baby blue to royal blue. A bright vibrant velvety blue to violet-blue in medium to medium-dark tones are the most sought after and cherished hue. When purchasing a blue sapphire ring, the first question you should ask is, "What shade of blue should I get?" When determining the value of sapphire, the color is the most significant factor. Jaubalet Paris: Buying Guide Pick the perfect shade Additional information on this precious stone is available to you on our “Buying Blue Sapphires page”. However, it is up to you to find the blue that suits you and your sapphire ring. Washed out and weak blues have less value than the more intense blues. The more intense the blue, the more valuable it is and vice versa. The most sought-after nuance is an intense blue.

This precious gemstone is definitely blue but it is a color that presents different aspects. We distinguish between clear blue, midnight blue, purplish-blue, and even turquoise. If you set your heart on a blue sapphire ring are well aware of the importance of selecting the right gemstone.